

Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Future of Artificial Intelligence & Ethics on the Road to Superintelligence

The human brain, consisting of roughly 86 billion neurons, rivals the world’s best supercomputers in
terms of magnitude, efficiency, and speed, using as little energy as a small 20-watt light bulb. Human
evolution took tens of thousands of years to adapt noticeable brain size and architecture changes.
Evolution is a slow process that can take eons for changes to occur. Technology, on the other hand,
is amazing in terms of how fast it is moving along, blending into the world seamlessly. The
technological evolution notably occurs at a faster pace compared to biological evolution.

To further understand the situation, imagine a frog in a pot of water that heats up 1/10th of a degree
Celsius every ten seconds. Even if the frog remained in that water for, say an hour, it would be unable
to feel the minute changes in temperature. However, if the frog is dropped into boiling water, the
change is too sudden and the frog jumps away to avoid fate.

Let's take a gigantic chessboard and a grain of rice, for scale, and place each grain of rice to a
corresponding chess square following a sequence: for each passing square, we double the amount.
Upon applying this, we get:

1) 1
2) 2
3) 4
4) 8

And so on. You must be thinking, “What difference does doubling a grain of rice for every box
make?” But one must remember that, at some point, the number from which the count started will
be totally indistinguishable to the end result. Still on the 41th square, it contains a mountainous 1
trillion grains of rice pile.

41) 1,099,511,627,776

What started out as a measly amount, barely feeding a single ant, has become massive
enough to feed a city of 100,000 people for a year.


 The development of technology over time
In the year 1959, the global output of transistor production of 60 million was huge. It was deemed a
manufacturing achievement to produce such an amount. Although looking at the world today, it
pales because of how far the transistor development has come. A modern i7 Skylake processor
contains around

(Skip to 5:15 in the video, to hear the global transistor manufacturing achievement in 1959)

1,750,000,000 transistors. It would take 29 years of 1959’s transistor global production to match
one i7 Skylake transistor count.

The transistor manufacturing size in an i7 Skylake processor is 14 nm. For reference, a silicon atom
is about 0.1176 nm across: 14/0.1176=119 Meaning, a transistor in an i7 Skylake processor is only
about 119 atoms across.

Therefore, one can conclude that it takes technology to build technology. In the past, civilization was
limited to the usage of paper and writing. Calculations done by hand tend to be slow and tedious.

Whyfuture.com - Lets think about the future
Artifical Intelligence - The Future - Ethics on AI & more
(Read more on Post: Artificial Intelligence & Ethics on the Road to Superintelligence )

Monday, September 19, 2016

Do Brain Exercise to Make More Money !!

1. Physical Exercise: Everyone knew physical exercise is healthy for the brain. Exercise will pump up
your blood and oxygen in your body.

2. Handwriting activates are unique neural brain booster, making learning easier. Many ideas are shown up when you sit down & write, and it’s also a more  productive for memory than typing on the keyboard.

3. Shine your brain by testing the limits of your cognitive function contribute to excellent memory.
Even do things like combing your hair with your wrong hand. You’ll active neurons that have been

4. Taking deep breath meditation: Normal mediators tend to experience a semi-permanent to permanent brain-wave spectrum shift toward to Alpha, Gamma and theta as they recondition their neural path-ways. Taking deep breath is perhaps the effective and more easiest strategy.

5. Green tea has long been famous in Japan, China and other ancient cultures. It’s rich in L-Thea-nine, antioxidants agent which can shift brain waves into alpha spectrum. Improved brain function, fat burns, fight with cancer.

6. Cooking: Learn how to cook if you don't know. Cooking activity uses a number of senses: like touch, smell, sight, and taste, which involve different parts of the brain. and boost up and make you more active in you life.

7. Learn  foreign languages or New Languages. Listening and hearing involved stimulates the brain cells.  A rich vocabulary has linked to a reduced risk for cognitive abilities to decline. 

8. participate in new sports: Find a time and do an athletic exercise that help to utilizes both mind
and body, For Example as Table tennis, Soccer, yoga, golf, or tennis.

9. Challenging your own taste buds, While eating, try to identify food's individual ingredients in 
meal, including subtle herbs and spices anything which is present in meal.

10. Mathematics : Do math in your head create cloud and solve math. Figure out problems without the aid of Stationary; you can do practices  by running or walking at the same time.

" The human brain is an amazing, Creative and pattern-matching machine."